Wednesday, November 25, 2009


. Terracotta figures and seals are most useful sources for understanding the religious and social life .of the Harappan people.
. After Independence, the state of Gujarat has accounted
for the largest number of Harappan sites.
. The mature Harappan civilisation lasted for about five
. Rojadi, Desalpur and Surkotada are the three Harappan sites which have yielded three stages. of Harappan civilisation-pre-Harappan, Harappan and post­Harappan.
. Bronze was the most widely used metal in Harappan
. Needles, razors, sickles, plough, forks, and spoons were
among the important tools and implements used by
Harappan people.
. Stone, copper and bronze were used in making Harappan
. Worship of Siva linga, Siva as Pasupati anC: Shakti by
the modern Hindu are the Harappan legacies.
. Harappan seals were used for both religious and com­
mercial purposes.
. Humpless bull or unicorn was the most commonly
engraved animal on Harappan seals.
. Modern Dravidian script is supposed to be the closest
to the Harappan script.
. Metals and precious stones were the most important
item of import for the Harappans.
. The Harappan trade, operated on regional as well as
inter-regional level, was multifaceted. It was based on
guild system coupled with nomadic trade.
. On the basis of radio-carbon dating, the time span of
the Harappan civilisation has be~n fixed between 2300
Be and 1750 Be.
. Kot-Diji, Kalibangan and Harappa have yielded evi­
dence of a pre-Harappan settlement.
. Lothal, Balakot, Suktagendor and Allahdin (Pakistan)
were the major Harappan cities that acted as .ports.
. Harappan agricultural economy was mainly based on
wheat and associated winter crops.
. Majority of the Indus terracotta figurines were hand­
modelled. .
. Harappan seals were manufactured by the process of
. 'English Bond' is the Harappan legacy of laying bricks
in alternate headers and stretchers.
. The whole area of the Harappan culture represents a .
. Soft limestone and steatite were the most common
materials used for the Harappan stone sculpture.
. Of all the Harappan sites, Mohenjo-c\aro had the most
impressive drainage system.
.. The cemetries of the Harappan cities were generally
located around the perimetre of the settlements.
. The most beautiful brick work of the Harappans is
found in the Great Bath.
. Harappans acquired turquoise, a semi-precious stone,
from Persia.
. The Brahvis tribe of present-day Pakistan has been
identified as the descendants of the Harappan people.
. Indus Civilisation belongs to the ~roto-Historical period.
. Inhumation or complete burial was the most common
method of the disposal of the dead.
. Anthropological studies have established that the Harappan population consisted of four races: Alpine, Mediterranean, Mongoloid and Proto-Austroloid. Of them, Mediterraneans had the largest share.
. The statement "The enemy of the Harappans was nature. Indra and the barbarian hordes are exonerated" was made by G.F. Dales.
. The beginning of the Harappan script can be traced back. to the potter's marks found at Mundigak and Damb Sadat.
. Cotton and wool clothes were used by the Harappan

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